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Sunday, October 17, 2010

This Tree's Niche

This tree may seem small, but it still has a role in the community. It's niche is to serve as a source of food for many birds with its berries and insects living in it. It gives insects food as well with the leaves. Also, it provides shelter for different birds and insects. They may create a nest in this tree. One another niche is to give out oxygen for different creatures. It absorbs sunlight by photosynthesis and absorbs water and minerals from the soil. Many of these different things it provides are in order for certain organisms to survive. Without it, they may not be able to, and die.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Limiting Factors In My Community

These flowers are a biotic limiting factor. This is because they are food for certain animals, such as bunnies. They are a source if nectar for insects. The flowers limit oxygen for many creatures. All these flowers together make a population.